
Wednesday, December 31, 2014


"Shh! God Is Trying To Tell You Something" is filled with words from the Father’s heart that will encourage and comfort you as you battle through your valley days. “Shh! God Is Trying To Tell You Something” words of encouragement will minister to your spirit and give you the strength to press your way. If your spirit is restless, all you have to do is spend some time meditating in these pages, listening to His voice, and He will bring peace into your spirit.  

This devotional journal will help you build a closer relationship with the Lord. The words of encouragement are filled with compassion and love, and will remind you that the Lord is listening.  They will minister to your spirit and help you through your darkest hour, and remind you that the Lord cares about even your smallest need.  All you have to do is listen and be obedient.

Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to win an autographed copy 
Shh! God Is Trying To Tell You Something

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Shh... God Is Trying To Tell You Something by Shearon D. Hurst

Shh... God Is Trying To Tell You Something

by Shearon D. Hurst

Giveaway ends January 29, 2015.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


I know you are feeling hurt, disappointed, and your heart is filled disillusionment, but please don’t think I don’t understand or care about what is happening in your life. My love and My care for you are greater than you will ever know. When you asked Me to draw you nearer to Me because you wanted to become more like Me, you didn’t realize there had to be a breaking before making of you into My image.

Yes, I am tearing away the things in your life that have held you captive, and I will use those same things that were meant to destroy you to bring blessings into your life. I am stripping away all the pain that has been inflicted upon you by the circumstances of life, and I will use that pain to cause a hunger and a deeper intimacy for more of Me in your life.

I will pour out My grace and mercy upon ever broken area of your life to restore what has been lost, and the glory of your latter house, will be greater than the former. All the sorrow and pain you are experiencing now will be turned into joy, as I gently and lovingly breathe life into your broken spirits.

So, I ask you to embrace this time of brokenness with Me. Be faithful, patient, persevering in prayer, and watch as I lift you up and bring complete restoration into your life. Then suddenly, you will exchange beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, and you will no longer mourn over what has been lost. You will no longer be sad or complain about what you’ve gone through. You will no longer remember the hurt or the pain of being broken, because My glory will fill your house, and you will glorify My name for making you whole again.  

Friday, December 19, 2014




"Where Peaceful Waters Flow" and "Shh! God Is Trying To Tell You Something" will minister to their spirit with encouraging words from the heart of the Father. If their faith is dwindling, and there are times they feel like giving up, these devotionals are just what they need to ignite their faith and rekindle their love for the Lord. These devotionals are written as if the Father is speaking to you, and filling you with refreshing words to comfort and revive your weary soul.
Give them a gift that will keep them encouraged throughout the year. 


Monday, December 15, 2014


There is someone trying to enter your life; someone I don’t want you to ever spend time with. They have been trying to gain access to you for a while now, and they are just about to wear you down. Don’t let them in. Do not open that door; if you do, you may not be able to recover from their visit. Who am I talking about? I am talking about old man failure.

He’s been lurking around now, and he sees that you have been feeling sorry for yourself. He is just waiting for the moment that you will open the door, so he can convince you that you are right. He wants to spend time with you. He wants to take control and remind you of your mistake, and that there is nothing you can do about it. If you open the door and let him in, he will bring along his friends disappointment and self-pity. And if you let them in, they will only cause you to sink deeper into the muck and mire of defeat. Do not open that door.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


I know it’s hard being where you are right now, and it seems as though you’ve been stuck here forever. Everything within you is screaming, “Enough already. I cannot do this anymore. When can I move on from here?” My child, can you honestly admit that you are ready to move on? Can you say that you have things in order, and that your heart is filled with thanksgiving? Do you want Me to answer that for you? 

You have yet to embrace where I have you; and until you can, you will not be able to move on to the next level. As I have told you before, everything that you go through as a purpose, and there is a purpose for this stronghold. You say to Me that you are grateful for what I have done in your life, yet your actions do not reflect the heart of one filled with gratitude.

Friday, December 5, 2014


Starting today, Dec. 5th through Dec. 9th, you will be able to download a copy of Where Peaceful Waters Flow for free!! 

Where Peaceful Waters Flow is filled with God's loving words to His children. The devotional is written as if the Lord is ministering to you Himself with refreshing words of comfort to feed your weary and wounded soul. Encouraging words, which will minister, restore and revive you.

If you want to experience the Lord, like never before; then come and allow these words of encouragement to usher you into His presence. Come and sit at His feet; be still and know that He is God.

It is time to get back to an intimate relationship with Jesus. Get ready to dwell in the presence of the Lord, and be renewed and strengthen, as the Lord pours His refreshing oil over you to revive your weary soul. Come inside to Where Peaceful Waters Flow. 



Thursday, December 4, 2014


Your heart is heavy over some recent things that have happened. You were hoping that things would have gone a different way; but they didn’t, and now you're wondering what to do.

My child, let not your heart be troubled. In this life, disappointments will happen; however, they are only temporary. Remember this, there are times I will allow a door to close to direct you in a new direction. And there are times I allow tests to come to reveal what is in your heart, to see whether you will love Me and will be obedient through the hard times. You may be disappointed now; but if you look  to Me, and remain faithful I will point you to the new window that I've opened in your life.

I know you need time to grieve over what happened. I understand; I wept too. However, I didn’t allow My grief to consume Me, and neither should you. Release the pain that you are feeling, because there is still work to be done. I love you. So, pray; and release everything to Me. Let the pain go, for even now I am interceding for you. Selah.

Let go, and you will feel My peace come over you. Allow My spirit to minister healing to you. Yes, all is well. Take some time to praise Me. I know you don’t feel like it, but it will help you release the pain. You have My word; it won’t always be this way. Trust Me. Lift your head up and watch Me turn your sorrow into joy. Believe in Me and let not your heart be troubled.

Let us pray: Father,  we release all doubt, fear, anxiety, and frustration.  We ask you to give us strength to face our battles with faith in Your word; knowing that You know what's best for us.  We humble ourselves and we receive your perfect peace.  We declare that  our peace within is fully restored, in the name of Jesus. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


God still speaks to us.

Often it is a quiet whisper, a gentle nudge, a hunch we seem to have. As we look back at our journeys, we notice the places where the Lord has spoken to us, guiding us and encouraging us to press on.  Maybe we haven’t always listened to that “Still Small Voice,” but He has been there the whole time, speaking words of encouragement to our spirits.

Inspired by the Lord to write this devotional during prayer and meditation time, Minister Shearon D. Hurst believes these messages will speak life to the “weary warriors,” “the despondent pursuers,” and those who want to know Him in a more intimate way.

These words from the Father’s heart will encourage and comfort you as you battle through the days when you trudge through the valleys of life. Words of encouragement, either written or spoken from the Lord, will inspire you to live a life most pleasing to the Lord. Let this devotional journal will become a source of inspiration and encouragement in your life every day.


I found Shearon Hurst’s devotional journal extremely refreshing and uplifting. Shearon’s daily  words of  encouragement  are  perfect  for  anyone  that may  be  either struggling with life’s constant challenges or are suffering through a painful loss. I assure you, that once you begin reading these words of encouragement, your faith and your strength will be renewed and you will be ready to persevere!
–Cam Tribolet, Author of Dead 13 Times

How would you like to meet Jesus? Read Shearon’s book. Shearon hears God, then repeats what He says. She portrays Jesus just like He is: [He is] the epitome of beauty, [He] loves you deeply, and [He is] truth and all grace. The words dazzle you; they are radiant. Her heart beats as one with the Almighty. Feel the warmth of His smile. Her words are waves of the love of God for you.
--Reverend Lana GarnerWiley, God’s View TV Show (Dallas/Fort Worth)

I love a good devotional; it sets my day off right and gives me something to think about throughout the day. I also love to journal and I appreciate that GodĘąs Trying To Tell You Something encourages journaling and gives you room to jot down some thoughts. Shearon has done a great job including monthly themes and a wellwritten short devotional for each day of the year. ItĘąs as if God is speaking directly to you, but then she encourages you to read scripture and journal what youĘąve heard. So, itĘąs guided meditation at its best—utilizing the word of God directly.  I highly recommend using GodĘąs Trying To Tell You Something as your daily devotional‐‐I know youĘąll grow closer to God

Katara Washington Patton, Founder and Executive Editor, Esteem Publishing

I had been in somewhat of a spiritual slump when I was asked to review Shh! God Is Trying to Tell You Something: Speak Lord, I’m Listening, the new devotional journal by Christian author Shearon Hurst. Well, it was just what the Great Physician ordered to heal me from the blues and rekindle my passion to perform GodĘąs work and will. In a voice that is divinely inspired, Shearon writes a daily love letter from God, cites spoton Scriptures, and then leaves room for readers to write how they can become better obedient to His word and thereby receive the blessings that were designed just for them. Two thumbs up for this inspiring work––followed by both hands held high in praise of the Lord Jesus Christ.
—Tom Siebert, Christian Editor Connection

All paperback orders automatically receive the eBook versions at no additional charge!


Tuesday, November 11, 2014



We wouldn’t be honest, if we said the things we have lost and suffered didn’t cause sadness in our heart from time to time. However, as we draw nearer to You, we realize that the things we lost didn’t really belong to us; they belonged to You. It was You, who blessed us to have jobs. It was You, who blessed us to be prosperous. It was You who made a way, when there was no way, over and over again. And it is You, who is keeping us right now.  It is You, who will turn things around and cause our latter to be greater than our former. Lord, we trust in You. You haven’t changed. Although, we can't see it now; we know our blessing is in Your hands, for it all belongs to You. Thank You Jesus for keeping it safe.

All you think you have lost I have in My hands. I am a loving Father. When things are taken out of your life, it’s for a reason and a season, just as it was with My servant Job. There was a reason for the season he went through. Job didn’t understand it, but He never lost faith in Me. I want you to be faithful as My servant Job was and say, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him,” then stay before Me as Job did and plead your case. If you do, when it is  all over, your latter will be greater than your former.

Friday, October 24, 2014


I know right now you are feeling lonely and abandoned, and believe that I’ve forgotten you. You’re feeling this way because you’ve been waiting for Me to move upon your situation. Have I not said, “All things are working together for the good of those that love Me?” Everything that has happened in your life has been an opportunity for you to know Me intimately, and to remind you of who I am. I am a God of restoration. I have not forgotten you. I am always interceding for you. I have moved things out of your way that would have devastated you. I hear your prayers, have faith in Me.

In this season, I will pour out My grace, and My mercy upon you, and I will restore it all. I will restore to you that which you have lost, and the glory of your latter house, will be greater than the former. Begin to thank Me for the grace I’ve granted you. Begin to thank Me working things out for your good.

Take your mind off things in which you should be releasing to Me. Lift your voice to Me and pray with a heart filled with thanksgiving, knowing I will not leave you. As you come to Me for help, I will breathe new life into your wounded spirit. I will carry you in My arms and the brokenness you feel will fade away.  I will protect you; no harm shall come near you. I hear your prayers, trust in Me.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Why do you think that allowing your heart to be filled with worry will improve your circumstances? Didn’t I say that I would always take care of you? So, please let not your heart be troubled, believe in Me. Whenever you allow worry to dwell in your heart, you give the enemy the opportunity to create the very circumstances that you fear. You give him control of your situation instead of Me. My child, I have not forgotten you, nor have I been too busy to notice the difficulties that you face. I see the problems that concern you. I am here to help; however, you must have faith and trust in My timing.

Do not lose hope or become overwhelmed. Trust that I heard your prayer of faith, and don’t give in to discouragement. Cast your cares upon Me and allow Me to carry you. Don't give up on Me; I’m not giving up on you. Call on My name, and I will answer you. I desire to fulfill all your needs. I desire to restore what the enemy has taken from you. There is nothing impossible for Me, just call out to Me, and I will answer you. Have faith and believe that I will always take care of you.

Now, rebuke those worrisome thoughts, and bring every thought captive into the obedience of My spirit, and listen for My still small voice within. Then watch as I renew the spirit of your mind and cause heavenly thoughts to fill your mind.  Soon, and very soon, you will look up and see the dark clouds rolling away as My hand reaches out to you, leading you along the path of joy, and blessings that I have for you. Let go of those worrisome thoughts. I will take care of you. Have faith My child, have faith.

Psa. 91:15  He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

John 14:27  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Eph 4:23  And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

2Co. 10:5  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Where Peaceful Waters Flow is filled with God's loving words to His children. The devotional is written as if the Lord is ministering to you Himself with refreshing words of comfort to feed your weary and wounded soul. Encouraging words, which will minister, restore and revive you
If you want to experience the Lord, like never before; then come and allow these words of encouragement to usher you into His presence. Come and sit at His feet; be still and know that He is God. It is time to get back to an intimate relationship with Jesus. Get ready to dwell in the presence of the Lord, and be renewed and strengthen, as the Lord pours His refreshing oil over you to revive your weary soul. Come inside to Where Peaceful Waters Flow.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Where Peaceful Waters Flow - Words of Encouragement Devotional by Shearon Hurst

Where Peaceful Waters Flow - Words of Encouragement Devotional

by Shearon Hurst

Giveaway ends October 20, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


You say you love Me, so where is your faith in My word? Loving Me is believing in My word, and not doubting that I am able to do that which I have promised.  Love does not bind My hand with words of defeat and failure. Love believes that My promises are yes and amen.  Love won't allow  doubt to take control and block your blessings.  Love would choose to speak blessings, not curses over your life.

I love you, and I don’t want the disappointments of this world to get you down. Love Me and believe that you are blessed, and know that I will perform My word in your life. I will do these things not because of your efforts or righteousness, but simply because I love you. I want you to know that I am not limited in any way by your problems, your age, or any other circumstance of your life. Nothing can stop the blessings I have in store for you, except you.

I desire to honor you and show Myself faithful to all who wait for My help. Your very trials and tribulations will be turned into great testimonies of My goodness. Love Me, trust Me, and learn to have joy in your life, regardless of your circumstances.  I delight in blessing you, simply because I love you. Now, I want you to delight in Me, and trust Me, just because you love Me.  

Pro. 18:21  Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Psa. 37:4  Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

John 14:15  If ye love me, keep my commandments.

2Co 1:20  For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. 

Friday, September 12, 2014


Guest: Marilynn Vanderstaay
A GPS and Travel Guide to navigate you through the Healing Journey

Listen as Marilynn talks about how she overcame five cancers, including brain tumors, and her subsequent climb up the steep mudslide of extreme brain damage. In spite of all that she became a published journalist, inspirational speaker, life skills trainer, artisan and community investment specialist. Marilynn’s neurologist said he’d never seen someone come out of such extreme brain trauma with such vigor and success.

In her soon to be released book, Inside the Healing Journey, Marilynn will share with those dealing with life threatening, debilitating, and chronic diagnosis what she did to overcome it all. The book will also include the information we discussed on the show
·        The four decisions she made right in the doctor’s office
·         Her Fire Drill – A plan to Get Out of  a Crisis  Effectively - (will be posted on website)

Marilynn’s book, Inside the Healing Journey, is not an autobiography, but a how to book for those dealing with life threatening, disabling and/ or chronic dis-ease. It deals with healing from a perspective of wholeness ... spirit, soul and body, financially and socially.

This show will bless and inspire you to press your way no matter what storm is raging in your life.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Yes, I know; you are dealing with disappointment. You are trying to hide it because you don't want anyone to know how disappointed you really are. It is ok; you can say it, I see it in your heart. You are disappointed. However, you don't want to say you are disappointed with Me. My child, I understand, and I knew this day would come. In the midst of your pain, I hope you will believe all is in My hands, and it will be alright.

You so hoped things would not be this way, but it is. Right now, you cannot see how this is a good thing or even how it can work out for your good later. You want to do something about it, but you don’t know what to do. My child, there is nothing for you to do; except hold on to what you know is true. Hold on to My word, you know My word is true. When My word said, “All things work together for good to those who love Me,” I meant just that. I am working it for your good. I don't want you to be hurt. Please trust Me.

Friday, August 22, 2014



I have promised that all your needs shall be met, and I will not turn a deaf ear to your cries. When you call Me, I will hear and answer. I want you to start expecting to receive an answer. Expect to hear My voice; expect to be blessed. Why do you pray and do not get ready to be blessed? You pray without expectation. You should know by now, My promises are true. I am Jehovah Jireh, Your Provider.

I need you to trust Me. Let Me lead and guide you. I long to whisper words of love and affection in your ear. I promised that I would not leave you comfortless. You must believe what you have asked for will come to pass. You must not doubt. Expect to be blessed. Trust in Me, do not be moved by what your circumstances dictate, and do not be moved by what you feel.

Be confident that I have risen in your midst to bring healing, to bring salvation, to bring victory and counsel to those in need. Even now, I am interceding for you, and My Father heareth My prayers. I expect you to pray to Me, and you must expect to receive your blessings when you pray.

Know that I have heard your prayers, and I am bringing all you ask to pass. I am bringing about a complete change in your life. Trust in Me and believe I am faithful to do those things I have promised to do. Expect Me to bring the natural in alignment with the spiritual. I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Moses; is there anything too hard for Me? Expect to be blessed

Meditate on My Word: Jer. 32:27, 2 Corinthians 5:7

Wednesday, August 13, 2014



You are feeling pressure from all around, and you are being tempted to lose heart. Please do not let that happen. The enemy is creeping around you; sneaking in the dark, seeking ways to kill, steal, and destroy everything about you. He never sleeps nor rests from his diabolical plot against you. This is old news; nothing is new about his tactics, and you should not be surprised by anything that he tries.

You have power over the enemy; I gave it to you when I rose on the third day. You must begin to use the authority I gave you to defeat him every time he comes around. Remember this; his greatest weapons are lies and deceit. He has nothing new to use. He would love to see you give up and sit down, for that would mean certain victory for him. However, I did not create you to quit. When I rose the third day, I gave you victory over the enemy. The enemy of your soul is already defeated. Do not allow him to gain any advantage over you. Stand your ground against him and refuse to give him any satisfaction; he has no authority over you.

Remember, to watch and be prayerful. Never give him a place in your life through unrighteous thoughts, words, or deeds. That is the only way he can win. The blood of the Lamb and your testimony made you an overcomer. You have all the authority you need to stand and resist the enemy. So, do not be tempted to lose heart. Keep pressing forward. Keep believing.

Meditate on My Word:  1 Co. 15:58, Heb. 3:14, 1 Peter 5:8 

Thursday, July 24, 2014


The Lord says,” Now, today, if you will call on Me, and give thanks in your heart,  I  WILL BE more than everything you need.  I will cause you to experience My PEACE and JOY and they will overtake your soul.

So, JUST FOR TODAY let’s do the following:

JUST FOR TODAY! I will begin the day by praying: "This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will say, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." (Phil. 4:13)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not worry about my needs, for " God has supplied all my needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:19)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not fear, "For God did not give me a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, of love, and a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not harbor doubt and lack faith, for "...without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."  (Hebrews 11:6)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not lack strength, for "...the Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?
(Psa. 27:1)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not confess defeat, for God "... always leads me in triumphal procession in Christ,"  (2 Cor. 2:14)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not lack wisdom, for, "... I can ask God, who gives generously without finding fault, and it will be given." (James 1:5)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not feel condemned, for "... there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not be worried or frustrated: " I have cast  all my cares on Jesus because He cares for me."
(I Peter 5:7)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not be depressed, "...for his compassion's never fail. They are new every morning; great is His faithfulness." (Lam. 3:22-23)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not feel alone for Jesus said, "He is always with me, even to the end of this world." (Matt. 28:20)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not be discontented, "...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." (Phil. 411)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not feel worthless, for "God made him who had no sin to be sin for me, so that in him I might become the righteousness of God." (2 Cor. 5:21)

Just for today! I will not be confused, "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. (I Cor. 14:33)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not let the pressures of life bother me, when Christ said, "In this world I will have trouble. But, I won't be afraid. I will be of good cheer; because Jesus has overcome the world." (John 16:33)

JUST FOR TODAY! I will not feel like a failure, when ".. In all these things I am more than a conqueror through Christ him who loves me." (Rom. 8:37)


REMEMBER: There will never be another day quite like this one. If it's a good day be glad and enjoy it. If it's a rough one, be glad and give thanks that it won't happen

Sunday, July 13, 2014


My Child,

I have not forsaken you, nor has my anointing on your life left you. You should know by now, there are times I will lead you into the wilderness for a season just as I did with the children of Israel. I allow these times to happen, so I can bring you to a place of being thirsty and reveal to you how I will bring water out of a rock for you. Therefore, do not become discouraged and feel defeated if you feel spiritually thirsty, because you are standing in a place that has been ordained and primed for a miracle.

I want you to realize that the anointing that you seek is still flowing deep within; it has not left you. You just need to dwell within My presence, and tap into My Spirit.  Seek Me this day and allow Me to refresh you with My water.  Let Me quench your thirst as I reveal to you My marvelous works.  Allow your thirst to thrust you into My presence and cause you seek Me like never before. Then the dryness you feel will be flooded from the wells of My living waters, and every dry area in your life will spring to life once again.

Now, come; come to Me and drink of My living water and let Me revive your weary soul.

Isa 35:6-37  Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert. And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water:

John 4:14  But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

John 7:38  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014


LOVE. PERIOD. If you think, that title says it all; well, you must read Pastor Rudy Rasmus’ book. I was not familiar with him or his ministry until I read this book. However, after reading his book; I learned who he was and what he stood for, because he openly shared his struggles, and how this love was imparted in him. I have always said the word “love” is an action word. “For God so loved the world that He gave us His only Begotten Son.” God demonstrated what the word love meant by His actions, and that is what this book is all about… LOVE.

In his book, Rudy makes a statement, and then asked a question, “Just imagine what would happen, if somehow the church started putting a period after our love and became ground zero for a Love Revolution. Do we care enough for it to happen? Well, do we? His statement reminds me of how the church in the book of Acts cared for each other. (Acts 4:32-35) There wasn’t a need among them because they loved each other enough to care and share. I stand with Pastor Rudy, and I ask the question “Where is this love?” Why don’t we love each other as God so loved us?

We should all be a part of the Love Revolution; stand in agreement with Pastor Rudy and profess with him, “I will not be a part of an institution or religion that judges or marginalizes a person based on race, abilities, gender, orientation, identity, or social status. But I will be a part of a Love Revolution that fights for the rights of people everywhere to love and be loved by God." Amen, Pastor Rudy, Amen.

This book will make you take a good look at how you love and treat your fellow man. It will cause you to think about the words “I love you, or love you," the next time you say them to someone.


Friday, July 4, 2014


As I was praying this morning I found myself saying Jesus over and over again.  Then I heard the Spirit say, “Tell them to just call Me, say My name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.   All you need is in My name.  Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

Jesus, say it… say it often. Jesus.
Say it until you feel the peace of My love taking control.

Jesus… In My name there is love.  In My name there is peace.
In My name there is joy.

All you need is in My name. Jesus, say it…. Jesus.
There is power in My name.

Abraham called Me, Jehovah Jireh; I am your provider.

Moses called Me, Jehovah Ropheka; I am your healer.

Gideon called Me, Jehovah Shalom; I am your peace.

David called Me, Jehovah Rohi; I am your shepherd. JESUS

Call Me; I love to hear you call My name… Yes, I am Jesus

Oh Jesus, how I love to call your name. Jesus, Jesus, the heavens move at the sound of your name.  Jesus, my provider; Jesus, my healer; Jesus you are my peace. 

Act 4:12  Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

1 Jn. 3:23  And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.

Monday, June 23, 2014


My child, are you expecting the Lord to do something?  Then, do not get weary in well doing. Hold on to My promises.  Your blessing will not come without the enemy tempting you to give up.  So you must stand on My word, no matter what circumstances come your way.  You are too close to your blessing to get weary and give up.  Stand firm and wait.  Wait; expecting Me to show up and move in your life and your situations… and SUDDENLY I will!

Listen closely to My words; for SUDDENLY they will jump off the page and grab hold of your spirit.  Then, you will truly understand and know that everything I have belongs to you.  So, if your spirit gets weary; rise up from your bed of affliction and speak out loud these words to your spirit: “You belong to Me, you are the heir of Abraham, and My promises to Abraham belong to you.”

There is power in reading My word.  There’s even more power when you read it out loud and allow My word to minister to your spirit.  Therefore, speak out and expect NEW life. Speak out and expect NEW victories.  Speak out and expect GREATER things.

Now, rejoice, be glad and EXPECT the Lord to move SUDDENLY  in your life. 

Psalm 5:3In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.  

Gal. 4:7 Now you are no longer a slave, but God's own child.  And since you are his child, God has made you his heir. (NLT)

Gal.  6:9  And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Gal. 3:29 And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God's promise to Abraham belongs to you.

Heb.  6:13  For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, 

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Don’t allow anxious thoughts to steal your joy.  Spend your day being thankful, and those worrisome thoughts will drift away.  I made this day just for you, so don’t let worrisome or anxious thoughts steal your day.  I understand the problems which surround you, but the amount of time you spend worrying about them won’t resolve them.  Instead, spend the time you’re tempted to worry praising Me in advance for the blessing which is to come.  And if you must let your mind drift; let it drift to the blessings of the past, and how I came through for you.  Oh, so many blessed thoughts to dwell upon.

Remember to enjoy this day; embrace it with thanksgiving and love.  The enemy came to steal, kill, and destroy, but I gave My life that you may live in abundance.  So, don’t allow his anxious thoughts about what may happen tomorrow steal any more of your days.  He doesn’t know your future; he only knows your past.  Your past is behind you, and that is where he should be.  Tell him what I told him, “Get thee behind Me satan”.  Now you say it.  See, how much better you feel?   Oh, this is the day the Lord has made; rejoice and be glad, because I hold your future.

Matt. 6:24 "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today. (NLT)

Luke 4:8  And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Phil. 4:6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. (NLT)

Thursday, June 12, 2014


What is God telling you with the problems He permits in your life?

The problems we face will defeat, define, or develop us depending on how we respond to them. Unfortunately, most of us fail to see how God wants to use problems for good in our lives. We react out of our flesh and resent our problems, rather than seeking the Lord to learn His perfect will in the situation.  We never stop to consider what opportunities the situation might bring, because we’re so focused on the problem and not what the Lord is saying to us.

Here are some ways God wants to use the problems in our lives.  See if any of them apply to you:

1. God uses problems to DIRECT us.  Sometimes God must light a fire under us to get us moving from our place of complacency.  Problems oftentimes point us in a new direction and motivate us to change.  Is God using this problem to get your attention?  Is He trying to tell you to let go and move onto something greater?  Physical punishment cleanses away evil; such discipline purifies the heart.  Prov. 20:30 (NLT)

2. God uses problems to INSPECT us.  People are like tea bags.  If you want to know what's inside us, just drop us into hot water!  Our true character will be exposed.  Is God testing your faith with this problem?  If so, what is the problem revealing about you?  Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.  James 1:2-3 (NLT)

3. God uses problems to CORRECT us.  Some of our most valuable lessons come from suffering through pain and failure.  We were children our parents told us not to touch a hot stove. However, we probably learned not to touch the stove after being burned.  Sometimes we only learn the value of something; be it health, money or a relationship, by losing it or being burned by it.  My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees. Your instructions are more valuable to me than millions in gold and silver. Psalm 119:71-72 (NLT)

4. God uses problems to PROTECT us.  A problem can be a blessing in disguise if it prevents us from being harmed by something more serious.  Before leaving your home one day; you overslept, spilled coffee on your clothes, kids wouldn’t get it together, and nothing is going the way it should. You say to yourself, “Why is all this happening today?”  Then you get on the road and come across a terrible accident.  You say to yourself, if you had left a few minutes earlier…  Lord that could have been me.  You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good.  Genesis 50:20 (NLT)

5. God uses problems to PERFECT us.  Problems, when responded to correctly, are character builders.  God is far more interested in our character, than our comfort.  Our relationship to God and our character are the only two things we’re going to take with us into eternity.  We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation Rom 5:3- 4 (NLT)

Here's the point: God is at work in our lives, even when we don’t recognize it or understand it. Things will progress much easier and profitable when we stop striving, and learn to cooperate with Him by asking the Lord to reveal His perfect will in our situation.

Thursday, June 5, 2014



When I started this devotional ministry, I can count on both hands the number of members I had.  I didn’t despise the small beginning, because I was being obedient.  He said to write so that they will know that He is real.  And I began to write… Every day was blessed.

Now, I know you’re saying nobody has a good day every day.  I didn’t say every day was good, I said every day was blessed.  No matter what I went through; I knew I was blessed.  I knew things could be worse.  Despite whatever I was going through, I wrote in obedience.  And I know it was because of the obedience I gave the Lord, that He blessed me; His way, and His timing.  He gave me favor one year ago and brought Barbara Beach and I together and created Still Small Voice Radio Show.

And this is the perfect time to show the Lord, I’ve never forgotten what He taught me about obedience. Therefore, I knew I had to share with you my story about what happens when we willfully disobey the Lord.  Did you know we are causing the Lord pain when we willfully disobey Him?  I didn’t know that; then one day the Lord allowed me to go through a portion of the pain He felt when His children willfully disobey Him.

The Lord spoke these words to me that night, and I’ve never forgotten them:

“My child, what you are feeling; this pain, this pain, is a portion of what I feel when My children willfully disobey Me.  I feel what you feel; and yes, it hurts.  It hurts Me when My children know the truth, and yet they disobey My words.  If only they knew; if only they knew.  Yes, your pain is great.  Never forget this night.  Never forget the pain that you feel; it will keep you close to My heart.  Now, I will heal you of your pain.  Yes, I will remove it; I will remove it.  Rest now My daughter, all is well.  Leave it in My hands, I will remove it.

I pray that as you listen to this broadcast that the Lord will minister to your spirit and cause you to think about the times you knew what you were doing was wrong, and yet you did it anyway, just because you could.  I want you to think about the times you willfully disobeyed the Lord; knowing that because of His mercy, He would forgive you.  He loves us so much and wants to do great things for us, but because of disobedience, we tie His hands.

Listen to this message of love from the Lord, and I pray it brings a breakthrough in your life. 


Thursday, May 15, 2014


Please be at peace.  You are a joint-heir with Me to all that I have.  Now, be at peace and don’t worry.  Do not look at your needs.  Do not look at your storms or the winds that would try to steal from you.  Instead, look to Me; and do the things that please Me, and you will find peace. All that My Father gave to Me; I’ve given to you, so don’t worry.
When there doesn’t seem to be enough, do as I did when I fed the five thousand.  Look up to Heaven; give thanks and bless what you have, break it, and pass it out.  Watch what I will do with what you have given to Me.  It will be more than enough to meet your every need. I know what I’m saying seems too good to be true, but this is what My Father taught Me; so I am sharing it with you.  Do this with all you have; for I desire that you live above and not beneath. It’s time you become Kingdom focused. 

Start walking in the fullness of what I’ve given you.  You have yet to tap into all that I’ve imparted in you.  To walk in the fullness; you must do as I did; imitate the Father.  Imitate the Father, and soon you will be launched into a blessed realm where nothing will hold you back.

Friday, May 9, 2014


I hear the Lord say this is your season; this is your “DUE DATE”.  PUSH!!!!

It’s time you PUSH from beneath to above, from the tail to the head, from a borrower to a lender.  You’re blessed coming in, blessed going out, blessed in your home, blessed when you lie down, blessed when you get up, blessed in the street.  Blessings are drawn to you.  Your faith is so strong you’ve become a blessing magnet.  You prayed, believed, decreed, and you waited; now you shall receive. There is a sevenfold recovery of everything stolen coming your way.  Don’t give up now you are too close. 

The war raging against you has increased.  Yes, that’s right, it has because it’s your time.  The pain of carrying a blessing is always the strongest and hardest just before it’s birthed.  The labor pain has increased; that’s your blessing; pushing, trying to come forth.  It’s your due date to birth you’re the promises of God into your life.

It’s time to PUSH the enemy out of your way.  PUSH past the hurt, the pain.  PUSH pass everything that’s been done to you; said to you or about youPUSH.  Don’t allow anything to stop you from PUSHING.  You need this blessing.  You need this breakthrough.  Shut your eyes to the pain of the past; come on and PUSH.  Get ready, bear down and BIRTH your promises forth.

It’s your DUE DATE!!!.  PUSH!!!!
You are DUE for healing… PUSH!!!!!!
You are DUE for that promotion… PUSH!!!
You are DUE for your child to get off drugs… PUSH!!!
You are DUE for prosperity… PUSH!!!
You are DUE for a breakthrough… PUSH!!!
You are Due for that loved one to come back home… PUSH!!!
You are DUE for that contract… PUSH!!!
You are DUE for a job… PUSH!!!
You are DUE for joy… PUSH!!!
You are DUE for that marriage… PUSH!!!
You are DUE for success… PUSH!!!

I know you're in pain. I know what you've been through.  I know it hurts; and I know you may not feel like it, just say Hallelujah anyhow and PUSH!!!   You can do it!  


Thursday, May 8, 2014



Genesis 32:24-26 NIV "24 So Jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, Let me go, for it is daybreak. But Jacob replied; I will not let you go unless you bless me"  

Don’t stop believing in Me and spending time with Me, when you know that I am always standing near.  I don’t want you to allow circumstances to cause you to lose heart when you need Me.  My promises should always be in your heart and upon your lips.  You must not allow the enemy to make you believe that I don’t care, and I won’t deliver.  Keep your eyes on what I have promised you.  Don’t stop praying, and don’t stop believing.

Don’t let the circumstances of this world stop you from praising and worshiping Me.  Do as Jacob did, stay right there, and don’t turn loose until you receive your blessing.  Write the vision that I have given you; and make it plain.  Now start declaring and decreeing it in faith daily. Bring it into My presence.  Hold onto your dream, and don’t let go of My promises.  I’m not a forgetful God, but talk to Me daily in prayer about what My word says.  I love to hear My children remind Me of what My Word says.  It lets Me know how much they love Me.