
Thursday, April 11, 2013



A woman knows the most difficult time of childbirth are the few moments right before you deliver your baby into the world.  You are tired and exhausted beyond what you can endure.  The last thing you want to hear again is “Come on PUSH”! You cannot take it anymore! You have pushed and pushed and have exhausted all your strength! You don’t have another push in you!

You want to scream, and you do: “I can’t do this.  I can’t!”  BUT you must! You know you cannot keep that child inside of you!  It is at this moment that you must push the hardest and exert yourself the most.  You are crying, “I can’t,”  and everyone around you is yelling, “PUSH!”

Easy for them to say, they are not the one lying there going through all that pain!  You feel like reaching up and slapping them.  Yet, you know they are right; you have to PUSH!  Then, somewhere deep inside of you renewed strength arises.  You now have determination where hopelessness used to dwell.  Now you cry from the depths of your heart, “I can!”  “I must!” and “I will” YOU PUSH!

You are at that same place now.  You are on the verge of a breakthrough. Perhaps you are tired of believing, tired of hearing another prophecy, but you know within your heart cannot give up now.  That is what the enemy wants you to do, and no way are you going to allow him to win.
Only you can break through to your miracle! Only you can give birth to your dream! Only you can push through to your dream’s fulfillment; no one else can do it for you!  God will give you His strength when you have none of your own, but you must keep the faith.  When you fall, He will pick you up. He promised in His word that He will give strength to the weary and increase the power of the weak
Isaiah 40:29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind.  Does he speak and then not act?” 


“I want you to Pray. Pray without ceasing. Do not give on Me up; I have not given up on you. Do not grow weary; do not lose sight of the promises I have spoken to you. They will come to pass. Remember they are YES and AMEN in Christ Jesus. Keep your eyes on Me. Do not allow the enemy to cause you to lose focus and start to dwell on the things of this world, on the circumstances of this time. This world will pass away, and everything in it, but My Word will last forever. Focus on Me, Focus on My Word, and I will strengthen your heart. Remember that this fight is not against flesh and blood, but against the forces that rage in the Heavens. Fight the good fight of faith.

“I am neither a silent God, nor am I a deaf God that does not hear your prayers. I am working – even when you cannot see, even in places you do not know; I am working ALL THINGS for the good.  Pray. Pray my child. Pray in power.  Pray in strength. Pray with the authority I have given you.  I have called you by name.  Keep planting those seeds of prayer, do not grow weary, do not stop praying, and do not grow weak. See, the seasons are turning. It may look one way now, but soon you will see it with spiritual eyes.  Stay alertwatching and praying! Soon you shall see what your prayers have accomplished.”
So I say unto each of you this day “Do not stop. Pray! Pray! Pray!” We must be like Jacob and DO NOT LET GO until we receive our blessings.


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